Tips for Maintaining Momentum on Creative Projects
“For long-haul creativity, nothing is more important than momentum.”
– Steven Kotler, “The Art of Impossible”
For pretty much anything worth achieving, nothing is more important than momentum.
Question is…
How do we gain momentum and how do we sustain it?
Regardless of the type of project we may be working on, or the goal we are working towards, momentum is imperative, if we want to get to where we’re going. And if where we want to go seems (at the moment) rather impossible to get to, the key is to just keep going. Momentum.
“The best way out is always through.”
– Robert Frost
However, as perhaps you’ve noticed, this is easier said than done — if the basics have not (yet) been established.
“Every morning the writer faces a blank page, the painter an empty canvas, the innovator a dozen directions to go at once,” writes author Steven Kotler, in his brilliant book, “The Art of Impossible; A Peak Performance Primer.”
“The advice that helped me solve this slog,” Kotler continues, “came from Nobel Laureate Gabriel García Márquez. In…