Clarity Comes from Engagement

Maryanne Pope
2 min readJun 13, 2024

“Clarity comes from engagement, not thought.”

– Marie Forleo, Everything is Figureoutable

In other words, if you want clarity on something in your life, you must take ACTION.

Sounds obvious, I know. And yet, how often do we sit and stew on a question or decision we are facing in our lives…thinking ourselves in circles, then wondering why we can’t get clarity on the matter?

I know I do.

Have you read Marie Forleo’s outstanding book, Everything is Figureoutable? If not, it’s fab!

If you are not familiar with Marie Forleo, she is an entrepreneur, writer, philanthropist and host of Marie TV. I have been a fan of Marie’s for years and thoroughly enjoy her podcasts.

Whether it’s her TV show, podcasts, book or e-mails, Marie is the real deal. She is brilliant, funny, candid and says it like it is. She is a savvy and successful woman whose insights resonate because they’re true:

“Clarity comes from engagement, not thought. Write that down. Memorize it. Tattoo it on your tush. Whenever you’re trapped in the hell of indecision, do something about it as quickly…



Maryanne Pope

Maryanne writes blogs, books, screenplays & play scripts. She is CEO of Pink Gazelle Productions & Co-Founder of the John Petropoulos Memorial Fund.